If you are like most people, you could use some tips on improving your memory. Most of us have at one time or another lost our car keys, forgot where we parked our car, forgotten an item at the grocery store, or forgotten someone’s name. There are things we can do however, that will help us remember important events, as well as everyday chores and appointments.
Here are five tips to help you improve your memory:
1) Pay attention. This means being aware of your surroundings, being conscious of where you park your car in a parking lot, taking notes of where you put your keys, and really listening when being introduced to someone new. Repeat their name out loud to help you remember it for the next time you meet.
2) Make visual clues. If you have an important appointment coming up or have something important that you must remember, place a colorful sticky note on the steering wheel of your car, the receiver of your telephone, your bathroom mirror, or your shoe – anywhere you will be likely to find them. Don’t place just one note; place several of them around the house or in your office.
3) Use a timer. Timers can be a wonderful tool to use when we want to remember to make a phone call, catch the rinse cycle on the washing machine, or record our favorite television show.
4) Carry a notebook to use when you are away from home. Keep it in your car, wallet, or purse. When something comes up that you need to remember, jot it down and transfer the event into your calendar when you get home.
5) Use a calendar for birthdays and anniversaries. Write down your loved ones’ names, birth dates, and anniversaries on this calendar. You can even go one step further and in January, look through the calendar and purchase all the cards you will need for the coming year along with stamps and envelopes. That way you will not have to rush out at the last minute buying cards and getting them into the mail a day late!
Improving your memory takes some time and effort, but if you make a habit of doing even just one or two things from the above list, you will find you will have a better memory and you will never forget a birthday, a name, or your grocery list again.