Studies have shown that the brain can retain millions of bits of information. It is compared by experts to a computer that can easily store everything. Unlike any computer, however, boosting your memory can’t be done by adding a chip. Improving your brain requires some effort.
The memory of a human being is the mental activity that is responsible for recalling information that an individual has acquired through learning and experience in his/her day-to-day activities. Enhancing the brain to have a better memory is like putting your brain into an exercise routine. The more you use your brain, the more it will be able to process information and recall and retain memories.
One way of enhancing your memory is to constantly challenge your brain to do things that are out of your ordinary routine. Like muscles, the mind adapts to routines and needs stimulation. In this way, you are able to challenge the synapses of your brain to stay alert.
Example: Instead of using your sense of sight when walking through your house, try to walk with your eyes closed. The neurons of your brain will try to recall where each piece of furniture is located in order for you not to get hurt or break anything.
This way, the brain cells that have not been used are able to stay active and healthy. This type of mind stimulation is called Neurobic exercise. It enables the brain to use synapses and brain cells to function better by retrieving stored memory and recall details.
Here are some additional ways to improve your memory:
– Pay attention to details
– Involve all your senses in learning
– Connect new information to that which you already know
– Organize information efficiently
Be motivated to learn new things and exercise your mind daily!