You’ve seen the commercials touting that some video games or online games can help improve your brain. You’ve been tempted to try it for yourself. After all, who wouldn’t want better, faster brain functioning? But are these games really doing any good?
Research indicates yes, it is. The only downside is that in order to train your brain, you need to do something continually for a long period of time. A few weeks of Brain Academy on your Nintendo DS will only keep your short-term memory skills and other cognitive functions sharp. But if you truly want to keep your mind at its best, you’ll want to participate in a brain-utilizing activity for longer periods of time, and also something a little more engaging, such as learning another language or learning how to play an instrument.
What you need to do to strengthen your brain is determined by what part you want to strengthen. If you want to strengthen the part of your brain that controls stress and emotions, yoga and meditation may be something you’ll want to focus on instead. When practicing certain activities for an extended period of time, you are helping perfect that portion of the brain. The more engaging the activity, the more areas of the brain you are improving over time.
So sure, go ahead and play some brain training games, but remember that for real results, get out there and participate in a number of beneficial activities that can not only reduce stress and improve other parts of your brain, but that can also be a little more enjoyable than staring at a video game screen.