Most of us understand that as we continue to age, our memory will slide a little. But the baby boomer generation shouldn’t just assume the worst. In fact, a study published in May of 2010 shows that by taking DHA supplements, one can improve their memory, showing some promising results.
The study, done by Martek Biosciences and funded by MIDAS (Memory Improvement with Docosahexaenonic Acid Study), utilized almost 500 individuals who were (1) age 55 and older and (2) considered to have ARCD, or age-related cognitive decline. For 24 weeks, participants took 900 mg/day of DHA or a placebo. The patients were tested at the end of the study to see if their cognitive functions benefited from the oral DHA supplements.
The results showed that when presented with the CANTAB Paired Associated Learning (PAL) test, those who received the actual oral DHA had 50% less errors on the test than those who received the placebo. In fact, the memory levels were of those of someone three years younger, showing that the intake in DHA not only kept their memory from getting worse, but actually helped IMPROVE their memory.
Although this was a short-term study, the results definitely give a positive outlook on battling age-related memory loss and cognitive decline, and continued studies are planned to study the long-term effects of DHA supplements and consumption.