You may have heard the phrase, “Too much of a good thing is a bad thing.” But in the case of memorization, you can never have too much!
A great way to increase your ability to memorize information is by essentially doing a little overkill. By going over the information daily, by getting the information out of your working memory and into your long-term memory, you can easily make the recollection of the data memorized almost second nature.
Memory that is stored in your long-term memory is typically easier to recall when needed. By continually going over the information again and again, you will know the material inside and out, and your brain will place it in the long-term memory portion of your brain instead of the short-term area. This makes recollection quicker and easier for you, and proves that overkill CAN be a good thing when it comes to keeping memory within our reach.
Memorizing information continually over a long period of time can help you become an expert on the data you are trying to store in your long-term memory. Just like a pediatrician that sees patients and diagnoses children with strep throat every day, he becomes somewhat of an expert at it. The knowledge of strep throat, the symptoms, and how to treat it become second nature to him. This is what makes him a knowledgeable source about the subject. The reason he knows the information like the back of his hand is because he uses it every day, continually. This helps his brain process the data as long-term memory and keep it available for quick recollection when he needs it.